Confessions of an Email Hoarder (and 4 Tips to Tame an Inbox)
This piece first appeared in the Huffington Post. (Posted 10/22/2014) I am the cyber equivalent of the lady who's rescued too many cats, collected too many tchotchkes and saved years worth of newspapers and magazines. That's right. I am an email hoarder. I love my technology. I just don't know how to tame it, and most of what I'm getting is from virtual strangers -- literally and figuratively -- and these strangers aren't sexy and intriguing like Scarlett Johansson in Her . While a 2011 study (Frost, Steketee and Tolin ) found 18 percent of hoarders actually have OCD -- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -- I believe mine is caused by FOMO -- Fear Of Missing Out. What if I miss a two-for-one offer on pears or chocolate covered strawberries... or the chance to win dinner with the President if I donate today... or worse, the latest celebrity breakup? My email got this way because I can't say no. Sign up for our newsletter? Sure! Receiv...