
Showing posts from November, 2012

Goodreads | Mary Novaria's review of Loose Diamonds: …and Other Things I've Lost (and Found) Along the Way

Goodreads | Mary Novaria (Leawood, KS)'s review of Loose Diamonds: …and Other Things I've Lost (and Found) Along the Way

Proud of My Daughter and Hopeful for Women

My daughter voted yesterday for the very first time. I think I was more excited about it than Hannah was, although she took it very seriously, researching ballot issues, forming and articulating her own positions. In Cali that's no small task because we had 11 complex propositions on the state ballot alone--not to mention all the local stuff. My mom voted yesterday in Kansas. At 81, who knows if she'll get another chance? She was firm in her Presidential choice, even though complicated ballot issues may stymie her these days. So maybe there's a little passing of the torch here... When my grandmother was born, women in the US didn't yet have the right to vote. Today, it's a real possibility that our next President could be a woman. I am so proud that Hannah cared... That she honored the right and the privilege won on her behalf by women of the past... That she made a commitment to the future. Yesterday, Wisconsin elected a woman to the US Senate who happens t...

Things that took my mind off the election today...

When I walked through our neighborhood to church this morning, I saw a business that I hadn’t noticed before. It’s called First Century Bank. That seems very odd in this 21 st -Century world and it led to several strange images in my head. The first is Jesus and the moneylenders, so I saw Jesus walking into this bank on 4 th Street, all angry and turning over the desks. Later, I told my friend Cherie’ about it and she thought it was funny, too. So we wondered about the banking. Did people bring in fish to trade for shekels? It conjures up visions of a Vacation Bible School marketplace. How can I not love this? I got to church and leafed through the bulletin to see what hymns we’d be singing. None of my favorites, unfortunately. And we had incense since it was the Feast of All Saints, so people were already coughing and clearing their throats, even before the procession. Anyway, I looked at the schedule for Sunday School and the names of the classrooms got me giggling a litt...