TV: When it's Good, it's Very, Very Good
Three shows in the last three days remind me of why I love TV. I know, it’s inconsistent and unpredictable--a rogue sibling we love but can’t count on to behave at family gatherings. Television is like the little girl who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead, as my mother used to recite to me (Moi!?) . “When she was good, she was very, very good… but when she was bad, she was horrid!” Forget the horrid, I’m captivated by the very, very good. There’s been so much said already about Downton Abbey that I’ll simply say: It’s pure joy. I’m in withdrawal. I can’t wait for Season 3. If you don’t know why, you’re not watching. I love the clothes, the carpets and the wallpaper. I’m glad I wasn’t a woman then, but I can still fantasize what life was like. Lady Mary, indeed. Bravo Bravermans! NBC’s Parenthood continuously amazes and makes even jaded old me cry. Yes, those Bravermans are a bunch of busy bodies, butting into each other’s business like there’s no tomorrow....