Protect a Predator and a College Football Program Instead of a Child? Shameful.

All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing. –Edmund Burke

On the campus of a major university, in the locker room of a revered football coach, a colleague harmed vulnerable children in the worst way and, for a long time, got away with it. We are shocked. We are speechless…

Sadly, there are people out there who are sick in a way that compels them to prey on the young and vulnerable. Others are sick in a way that causes them to shirk their responsibilities, disregard the rules, and cover for the offenders. Secrets keep us sick.

Penn State’s Board of Trustees made a voluminous statement in its immediate dismissal of Joe Paterno and the school’s president. Educators, if I’m not mistaken, are mandated reporters. Legalities aside, adults have a moral obligation to speak up when children are sexually abused. Whether it’s your spouse, your coworker, your priest, your doctor or your coach, there should be zero tolerance for silence. We must speak for those who are too vulnerable to speak for themselves. It is outrageously wrong to give these crimes a nudge, nudge, wink, wink and to look the other way.

If ever there was a situation that demonstrates the out-of-proportionality of college sports, it is happening this week in State College, Pa. Penn State students are rioting over the firing of their beloved football coach. They should be outraged by the crimes (and sins) against children on their college campus. Instead they are supporting a man who, yes, has been synonymous with their school, but has now severely tarnished its reputation, credibility and status.

It is extremely troubling that these students have such misplaced priorities. What are we teaching our youth when a man who looked the other way while boys were being violated is revered? Instead, his behavior should be reviled.


  1. Well put. Such a sad, sad series of events, made sadder by the lack of moral conduct missing from people who were leaders in their community. There seems to be an abundance of that these days.

  2. Thank you Speckled Trout! : ) What a world, huh?

  3. I think MOCSA would agree with you. :-)


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