Protect a Predator and a College Football Program Instead of a Child? Shameful.
All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing. –Edmund Burke On the campus of a major university, in the locker room of a revered football coach, a colleague harmed vulnerable children in the worst way and, for a long time, got away with it. We are shocked. We are speechless… Sadly, there are people out there who are sick in a way that compels them to prey on the young and vulnerable. Others are sick in a way that causes them to shirk their responsibilities, disregard the rules, and cover for the offenders. Secrets keep us sick. Penn State’s Board of Trustees made a voluminous statement in its immediate dismissal of Joe Paterno and the school’s president. Educators, if I’m not mistaken, are mandated reporters. Legalities aside, adults have a moral obligation to speak up when children are sexually abused. Whether it’s your spouse, your coworker, your priest, your doctor or your coach, there should be zero tolerance for silence....