New Strain of "Swine Flu" Making Me Sick
Check out my video here. There’s a new strain of swine flu out there… and it’s making me sick. It’s caused by congressmen who act like pigs and others who hog the airwaves coughing up lies and breathing toxic misinformation all over us. The viral nature of this illness is extremely dangerous because these toxins travel fast. They even attack the brains of very intelligent people, causing them to lose control of their senses—especially their common sense and, at times, even their dignity. This flu causes diarrhea of the mouth and other gastro-intestinal problems such as nausea and a dull ache in the pit of your stomach. At times, it may speed up your pulse, making your heart race and pound. Don’t worry, you’re probably not having a heart attack. These are classic symptoms of the anxiety that accompanies this new strain of swine flu. Another classic symptom is throbbing headache; this WILL be made worse and may cause frequent fits of snorting if you accidentally tune in to Rush Limbaugh,...