I'm on a Bridge to Somewhere... And I Don't Like Where it's Going
I probably couldn't get through this election if it weren't for Salon . When I find myself speechless, incredulous and just plain angry, someone at Salon writes something that I wish I'd had the clarity to write myself. Reading Rebecca Traister's Zombie Feminists of the RNC (9/11/2008) my heart began to race. Funny how adrenaline and all that physiological stuff works. My heart might be racing if I had a girl crush on Sarah Palin... but this morning it's racing simply because I wish she would just be crushed. Figuratively, of course. I don't want to shoot her from a helicopter, I just want to see her called out for the wolf in sheep's clothing that she is. Every time I think I've moved from horror and denial to acceptance that Sarah Palin is really in this race, and that I need to "let Palin be Palin," I read or hear something else that makes my blood boil. Making victims pay for their own rape kits?! That sounds like something that would happ...